Raging Stallion Studios presents High Octane's First Class, directed by Herve Bodilis. Bodilis brings a crew of smooth and dapper European beaus eager to join the mile-high club. Peppered in are a couple scruffy fellows, notably tattooed deity Logan McCree, to even the ranks. Standouts include Logan's scene with Jack Dragon (sporting some heavy ink) where it's hard to tell where one body ends and the other begins. Not to mention the threesome between Logan McCree, Enrico Bellagio, and Renato Bellagio - a cock pit in the truest sense. There are also more three cock smoking scenes to go before reaching the final destination! A warm load and turbulence is welcome. Come aboard a very sexy flight in First Class. Once you do, flying Easyjet will never be the same again! Cast: Logan McCree, Steve Hunt, Jack Dragon, Enrico Bellagio, Ludovic Canot, Brent Moon, James Jones, Renato Bellagio, David Rivera, Isadore Nadas