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Elder Sorenson 1: Chapters 1 to 5

Elder Sorenson 1: Chapters 1 to 5
Elder Sorenson Chapters 1 to 5 Mormon Boyz
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Elder Sorenson: Chapters 1 to 5 features Elder Sorensen, who is one of the finer specimens of Mormon male youth. The Order has great plans for the boy - assuming he can successfully pass through the rites that will test his devotion. And for any boy who desires to receive the higher priesthood, he must prove himself worthy to enter into the covenants necessary to join The Order. Elder Sorensen has demonstrated that he is in perfect physical condition, he is good natured, he is highly affectionate toward his priesthood brethren and he is completely obedient to authority. Thus he has been invited to undergo the initiation rituals that assess a boy's candidacy for Ordination. Cast Elder Sorensen, Elder Stewart, Elder Miller, Bishop Angus

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