A Spanish Fantasy is a Spanish tale that begins in Prague when six friends are summoned by a producer to Costa Blanca, Spain, for an erotic getaway. It's not too long after their arrival that an orgy breaks out poolside, causing all six participants to get good and soaked. Later on one of the guests ventures out onto the secluded beach where two men join him. This threeway occurs on the rocks and ends with the men shooting their loads into the ocean. The scenery is almost as beautiful as their naked bodies glistening in the sun. The two scenes that follow only get hotter, when the guests are playing cards and they begin to flash back to their earlier sex-capades. The next scene finds two lovers in bed, making love. The actors are so into it, it's easy to forget that you're watching a video and not peeping through your neighbors' window. Without giving too much away, there is a plot twist that results in a rough threeway. The funniest scene by far is the last, when the boys get together by the pool for one last dance. The variation is great and the boys are definitely into the sex. Euro-boys and physical perfection. Cast: Paul Halik, Michael Dvorak, Hynek Cross, Tom Cerny, Dennis Kramer, Patrick Swarc