Blue Ice, from 1985, features a complex plot which bounces back between past and present, the United States and parts of Europe. A group of Hitler's old war buddies develope a sex wonder tablet that will render the western block countries helpless in a sea of uncontrollable lust, and bring the third Reich back to power. Also involved in this stunning plot is a biblical book called the bokengelda which offers its keeper the eternal fountain of youth. This rare kind of film features a marvellous acting performance by Herschel Savage who plays a sleazy detective hired to find the bokengelda. Jacqueline Lorians, with her wild hairdo, looks better than ever, and is quite breathtaking in her various sex scenes throughout the film. Cast: Adrienne Bellaire, Danielle, Helga Sven, Jacqueline Lorians, Shanna McCullough, Bill Margold, Francois, Hershel Savage, Jamie Gillis, Paul Thomas, Ron Jeremy