Net Skirts 16.0 involves two distinct storylines, with the first highlighting sisters Shyla Jennings and Veruca James. The two end up finding partnerships when James plays matchmaker via the Net Skirts website, uniting Jennings with Tanya Tate and James with Scarlett Sage. In the second half of the film, Vanessa Veracruz sets her focus (literally) to seducing Allie Haze under the guise of internet photography, but not before playing matchmaker to Syren De Mer and a busty yet seemingly inexperienced Lena Paul. Prey is only a mouse click away! Cast: Allie Haze, Lena Paul, Scarlett Sage, Shyla Jennings, Syren De Mer, Tanya Tate, Vanessa Veracruz, Veruca James