With more than two hours of content, Mother-Daughter Exchange Club 44 has two distinct storylines - the first of which marks Anya Olsen's Girlfriends Films debut. She was paired with Raquel Sieb, who always gives a great performance. Leading the pack of cougars is Tanya Tate, whose character finds a match of her own with Cadence Lux while seeking sexual comfort for daughter Anya. In another scenario, two daughters (Bree Daniels and Charlotte Cross) secretly hatch a plan to get their mothers (Karen Fisher and Mindi Mink) involved in club activities. The plot results in two hardcore scene pairings - one between Mink and Daniels, and the other featuring Fisher and Cross. Like previous titles, the plot centers on mothers and daughters becoming involved in the Exchange Club, a place where online members agree to meet up and partner up with other mothers and daughters for sexual experiences. Cast: Anya Olsen, Raquel Sieb, Tanya Tate, Cadence Lux, Bree Daniels, Charlotte Cross, Karen Fisher, Mindi Mink