Directed by Dan O’Connell, the Messed Up saga continues with the ongoing drama surrounding Chanel Preston and Vanessa Veracruz in Lesbian Psychodramas 25: Messed Up Episode 5. This time around, Veracruz reprises her role in drag as she goes through the process of transforming from the very girly Vanessa into the handsome debonair, tuxedo-wearing Valentino. Vanessa/Valentino appears in two scenes in the film, one with busty brunette Missy Martinez, and the other wearing a strap-on opposite Penelope Reed. Romi Rain also reprises her role in the series as a follow-up to her scene in Episode 4 with Scarlet Sage. This time, Rain is paired with another returning player, Mercedes Carrera. Romi has extraordinary energy and she does a great scene! Busty redhead Lauren Phillips portraya Preston's therapist in another fine scene. Cast: Chanel Preston, Lauren Phillips, Mercedes Carrera, Missy Martinez, Penelope Reed, Romi Rain, Vanessa Veracruz