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Judicial Caning 1

Judicial Caning 1 Pain4Fem
Judicial Caning 1 Pain4Fem
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In certain countries the penal code is being reformed. As an alternative to either a prison sentence or a monetary fine, defendants convicted of petty crimes may opt to undergo corporal punishment instead. A worried young woman now faces just such a decision in Judicial Caning. For having been repeatedly caught sneaking rides on public transportation, she has been ordered to serve a year in jail or submit to 45 strokes of the cane. Greatly distressed, she calls up a friend to find out more about the caning option. This friend had the dubious pleasure of receiving 50 strokes just a few months earlier. The friend relates her own painful experience fully - how she was examined by a doctor, how she had to go to the toilet while being watched to make sure she didn't urinate during punishment, and how she was strapped down naked on the caning frame to receive her 50 strokes. It turns out to be much the same for our worried young woman - a painful punishment administered to her in the name of Law and Order.

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