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Reformed in 5 Days

Reformed in 5 Days Connoisseur CP
Reformed in 5 Days Connoisseur CP
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Reformed In 5 Days see the three girls, Monica, Kara and Morgan who got themselves into hot water (with resultant hot bottoms) in Final Warning, have now been sent to the reform school as promised. They meet Mr Bottomley, the headmaster, who first tells them to change into their school uniforms and present themselves in the classroom where a blackboard has been prepared to record the punishments they will experience over the next five days. The headmaster informs them that their first day's punishment is spanking day and that they each will be spanked with knickers on three times an hour from 8 'till 12. The second similar session will be from 1 'till 5 with knickers down. The spanking ensues as promised and is recorded on the blackboard. The second day is the strapping day, which commences as the day before, but Mr Grainger soon enters to inform the headmaster he had to spank the girls the night before for talking after lights out, so Mr Grainger invited to contribute to the day's proceedings. On day three, the flogging day, the headmaster discovers that the girls are wearing thongs instead of regulation knickers. Foolish girls, today will therefore be bare bottom all day and the flogging commences. Day four is the birching day and this proceeds as before with both teachers participating. The final day is the caning day, with Monica's mother invited to witness the proceedings with each girl to receive six strokes twice an hour. After this punishment is complete and the girls have written their apologies, Morgan finally admits that it was she who persuaded Kara into the previous misdemeanours and for this, she is required to strip for a final caning. Reformed In 5 Days will teach these naughty schoolgirls the error of their ways! Or will it?

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