The sexual game show in Nikita's Extreme Idols is a spot-on parody of American Idol, complete with feuding panel, headed by throaty-voiced Nikita Denise, bantering bitchily with the contestants and each other. Sandra Romain blows away the other three entries with her full-throttle butt-balling. Her prize is a threeway with Tommy Gunn and Nikita herself, who jumps back in the anal saddle after a time away from the camera and still rides like a woman on fire. Produced by Laurent Sky, the show profits from his strengths: lustrous lighting, precise framing, crisp pacing, imaginative editing and energetic sexing. Great fun, and hot, too. Cast: Nikita Denise, Brittney Skye, Barbara Summer, Eva Angelina, Sandra Romain, Tommy Gunn, Randy Spears, Talon, Sascha, Tyler Knight