Night Prowlers, from 1985, is a lively scripted story involving two high dollar call girls (enthusiastically played by Heather Wayne and Susan Hart) and a slick L.A. detective (Harry Reems). Lott and Wayne, as it turns out, are pretty ambitious young ladies. While they're making their house calls on lovely Laurel Canyon/Beverly Hills estates, they're also casing the joints, only to return later and rob them clean. Reems, on the other hand, is trying to solve this recent series of robberies. So we get alternating scenes between Hart and Wayne on their house calls (where they coincidentally perform incredible sex), and Reems tracking down leads and finding new clues to solve the case (where he somehow manages to, coincidentally, perform incredible sex). The so-called hook is that Reems and Hart and Wayne all live in the same apartment building. One night when Reems gets beaten up and knocked out in the car park, Susan and Harther drag him into their place and nurse him back to health in unconventional, albeit effective, fashion. They don't know he's a cop, he doesn't know they're call girls. How long will it take for two plus two to add up to four? This is a fun movie to watch for a number of reasons. The story has momentum. We get to watch Hart and Wayne do everybody in sight. Harry Reems turns in a great performance. Cara Lott turns in a sexy supporting stint. And there's nothing more enjoyable than a whodunit mystery. Cast: Ami Rodgers, Cara Lott, Cheri Janvier, Fantasia, Heather Wayne, Susan Hart, Harry Reems, Hershel Savage, Kevin James, Sasha Gabor, Steve Drake