Mom may be nearly sixty but her friends keep her young. Watch in admiration in Mom Is Turning 60 as Mom and her friend strip and feel each other up and turn each other on. These mature women are surprisingly firm with just a little bit of sagging and drooping. They begin by indulging in some heavy foreplay on the settee, with fingers exploring the honey pots and before long out comes a large pink dildo to spread their legs even wider. Two younger men join in the fun and encourage the ladies to suck their tools whilst fucking their hairy fannies with pencil vibes. The girls climb aboard and the flesh ripples as they ride their steeds. They have great stamina and flexibility considering the variety of positions they are bent into.The second scene consists of a noticeably younger woman hungrily sucking on a cock like she hasn't had it in a while. She strips to leave just her stilettos and shows off her trimmed, but very hairy, black bush whilst he fucks her spoon style. She then sits on his cock and fucks him whilst pulling her cheeks apart for a good view of her arse. These women give an enthusiastic performance and they prove life doesn't end at forty!