A vintage New York porn comedy from 1977, Joy is most notable as Sharon Mitchell's first feature. Sharon plays Joy, a timid teen who turns into a raging nymphomaniac after being fucked by two thugs. "I want more!" she yells, prowling the city looking for men. It's about as amusing and lighthearted as a comedy about wanton sex could ever be, with lots of sex scenes crammed into its seventy four minutes. Mitch is perfect as a man-hungry innocent. With long hair, those great dark eyes, and a torso right off a Greek temple, she is already a full-fledged star. She makes Joy a must-see. Cast: Sharon Mitchell, Jack Teague, Ellen Williams, Justine Fletcher, Urusla Brooke, Lacy J Thomas, Gloria Leonard, Melinda Marlowe, Jay Pierce, Richard Bolla, Bobby Astyr, Jesse Wilson