This cute and not terribly intricate story involves an eager-eyed Netizen and the ambitious adult Web star who leads him on a rewarding chase. Along the way, J.J. Michaels (as the Gee Whiz kid) takes more verbal humiliation than most males could withstand - unless, of course, they're paying for it. He manages to do himself proud in the end, however (Gina Ryder's end). Ryder is delicious to look at and well-spotlighted here. Todd Alexander, as Michaels' compatriot, turns in some quality, breezy, natural acting and sex scenes with pow, begging the question why he isn't working more - a lot more. The women are top-of-the-line pretty and very well outfitted, the sex satisfying and well-paced. The dvd does its job fine. Cast: Gina Ryder, Jewel Valmont, Dee, Barett Moore, Samantha, McKayla, Temptress, Vivi Anne, J.J. Michaels, Todd Alexander, Ian Daniels, Ron Jeremy (Non-Sex Role)