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Bare Bottom Punishment

Bare Bottom Punishment Strictly English
Bare Bottom Punishment Strictly English
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Alisa has been sent to the headmaster's study for punishment in Bare Bottom Punishment. She knocks but there's no answer. Along comes Debbie who has also been sent to the head. Whilst they are waiting, a good looking young man arrives, and asks for the Principal. The girls tell him that the headmaster isn't in, so he asks for directions to the gym. Both girls fancy him, but as they are discussing the newcomer, along comes the head who, having read the notes that both girls are holding, sends them to Miss Cook, the gym mistress, for the slipper. Debbie knows a way to get out of their punishment and persuades Alisa to go along with her plan, even though it involves them having to spank their own (and each others) bottoms until they are red enough to fool the headmaster. Despite this, the head discovers their subterfuge and administers the punishment himself. Both girls are spanked, given the slipper on the seat of their white knickers, and then Debbie, as the ringleader, gets the cane. He warns them that if they get into trouble again this term, any punishment will be on their bare bottoms! As an extra punishment he also puts them both on detention. When they turn up for detention, (held in the Gym), the girls are pleased to see that it is to be conducted by the new gym teacher, the handsome young man they met earlier. He puts them through their paces with some gym exercises but they cannot resist flirting and playing him up to the point where he sends them to the headmaster. They return to the gym master with notes from the head instructing him to administer Bare Bottom Punishment, a task he undertakes with some enthusiasm and great vigour! Cast: Sarah Lewis, Suzi Martell, Steven Winchester