This Annie Sprinkle Triple Feature 4 starts with Teenage Cover Girls from 1976, in which three models try to find ways to get ahead in their careers. In My Master My Love from 1975, Darby Lloyd Raines stars as a vicious dominatrix who lives with her beautiful slave girl. When her brother comes to visit, he immediately becomes smitten with the slave and plots to steal her away. Finally, in 1975's Sue Prentiss R.N., Annie Sprinkle is one of four nurses waiting for a team of divers as they emerge from the NYC sewer system after searching for alligators. An anonymous voice booming from an unseen helicopter keeps shouting commands to the nurses and the scuba team, as clothes come off and bodies are hosed down. Then the underground explorers are zapped by ultra-violet rays. What is going on? Who knows! Cast: Annie Sprinkle, Darby Lloyd Rains, Nancy Dare, Esther Roberts, Melva Jackson, Barbara Carson, Barbara Bush, Nikki Hilton, Others